English for Software Developers

Interactive, Mobile-friendly English Courses

course background
Ever heard yourself speak English?
Hear it now. Record and compare your voice.
1. Press play to start
2. Now record yourself pronouncing the same text
3. Listen to your voice


Courses Focused on Programming Terminology

Refine Your English Skills With Courses Targeting Relevant Tech Concepts

First Day in the Office image
First Day in the Office
  • Introduction to Onboarding Procedures and Paperwork
  • Understanding Organizational Structure and Roles
  • Understanding Company Policies and Procedures and more
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Tools of the trade image
Tools of the Trade
  • Expand your technical English with IDEs/editors
  • Communicate effectively using command line terminology
  • Clarify debugging terms while sharpening problem-solving language and more
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English for Databases image
English for Databases
  • Develop fluency around database models and SQL
  • Articulate concepts involving tables, schemas, and queries
  • Master the language of data manipulation and optimization and more
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English for OO Programming image
English for OO Programming
  • Define and describe objects, classes, etc.
  • Practice the language of encapsulation and polymorphism
  • Communicate complex OOP concepts with clarity and more
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English for Functional Programming image
English for Functional Programming
  • Get comfortable with the vocabulary of functional languages
  • Discuss immutability and declarative constructs
  • Explain recursion and pure functions in technical discussions and more
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English for DSA image
English for DSA
  • Navigate the terminology of arrays, lists, and maps
  • Break down the language of sorting algorithms and searches
  • Enhance your technical vocabulary for algorithm complexity and more
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Ace Your Job Interview image
Ace Your Job Interview
  • Practice industry-specific interview questions
  • Develop language skills for explaining technical projects
  • Build confidence in discussing your tech experience and more
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Writing Requirements and User Stories image
Writing Requirements and User Stories
  • Learn to articulate stakeholder needs in clear English
  • Write user stories and requirements with precision
  • Refine your technical English for project specifications and more
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English for Software Testing and QA image
English for Software Testing and QA
  • Master the terminology for test plans and case writing
  • Discuss testing tools and QA processes
  • Apply quality assurance vocabulary in practical scenarios and more
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Why Grok?

Why Grok English Courses Lead the Way

Discover why Grok English Course is the ultimate choice for language learners.

Boost your career
Fast-track your career to senior and leadership positions.
Soft skills
Improve soft skills and cross-cultural understanding.
Speak with confidence and take a leading role during work meetings.
Score 100% on any vocabulary lesson in any of our courses to receive a free invitation to our exclusive Discord community.
Job in the US
Live and work in the US or UK.
After work
Distinguish between formal and informal voice and learn when it’s appropriate to use each.
Don’t miss out on job promotion.
Create rapport with clients.


Everything you need to know

We're here to help and provide clarity.

Who are these courses for?
These courses are intended for software developers looking to improve their knowledge of English language.
What is the required English proficiency level for these courses?
Basic to intermediate speakers of English. The best way to seeif the course will work for you is to take our free course. Bear in mind we are seldom aware of our speaking and pronunciation deficiencies.
Why choose these courses over general English courses?
This course teaches vocabulary, idioms, phrases, pronunciation and dialogs that are encountered in a real-life professional situations.
Will I receive a certification upon completion?
Yes, for each course you will be issued a certificate of the completion after you finalize the course
Why do these courses look more like a quiz than a traditional course?
Interactive, engaging forms of learning have proven to be more effective compared to passive listening or reading.
Are there any free resources that can help me?
Check out our free Software Development Dictionary.


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Get in touch with us! Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any inquiries, feedback, or assistance you may need.